We are group of great people that have figure out how to speak human! We are authentic, passionate and fearlessly committed to doing the right thing, 100% of the time.
Truth: Def. – That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality
Given we focus on our education we won’t offer you products that don’t meet your needs. In today’s market many will attempt to under-insure you in order to compete with superior products or retain your business. This exposes you to duress should you incur a loss.
Duty: Def. – A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility
As independent brokers we focus on properly representing you, the client. As a singular team of brokers driving towards a common goal of being the best we can for you, we don’t fall victim to the moral issues that plague most other Brokerages or Agents … it’s not about closing a sale but rather starting a great relationship.
Valour: Def. – Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle
We see the insurance industry as our battleground and pledge to you our unwavering loyalty. We’ll always be there for you in your time of need and we’ll always ask the hard questions … you are, and always will be our priority!
In short, we care about you… when is the last time a business told you that?